Xulta™ Backbar
Display Solutions
represent nearly 30 years of focus on a deceptively
simple task – making the most of one-foot shelving.

Flexible height and width display
Meet the ultimate in backbar appeal and flexibility. Featuring a durable, seamless frame, Xulta Impact displays offer one-and-done installation that’s easily reset as product mixes and signage needs change. Xulta Impact displays feature lighted headers and nearly infinitely adjustable shelving. This system accommodates is future proof, allowing for ever evolving product selection and package sizes. Telescoping displays command attention in spaces from 61” to 88” tall, while allowing profile adjustments in 3” increments.

Easy setup and resets
The original — and still the industry standard — Xulta Classic displays are easy to work with and easy on the budget. Xulta Classic combines durable metal frame construction with quick installation and reset capabilities. Whether your customers are seeking traditional tobacco products or new category innovations, Xulta Classic accommodates. Available accessories and two trim levels let you customize capabilities and cost.
Nation’s Leading Brands Trust
ImageWorks Display:
Showcase Your Brand’s
Unique Identity
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